Rail Replacement Management System (RRMS)
Overview of Projects
Our RailLinQ Management System and WCL Management Services have a 30 year history of working in partnership with rail providers and network operators in successfully managing pre-planned and emergency rail replacement operations. WCLMS is dedicated to the management of coach services to supplement or replace train services, providing an experienced management team and supporting technology solution to manage coach services in replacement of rail services, in response to either planned or unplanned events.

Snapshot of rail projects delivered by WCLMS
Provision of Rail Replacement Coach Services - North East Rail Revitalisation Program (V/Line)​
In 2008, WCLMS was the successful joint venture partner for the 2008 North East Rail Revitalisation Project requiring the replacement of all train services between Seymour and Albury for the period 2008-2013.
This highly successful operation required detailed planning to ensure service continuity for connecting private marketed and rail replacement services, the provision of WCLMS staff to assist our JV partner in supervisory roles, and the development of a highly effective partnership with V/Line Passenger and the (then) Department of Transport with key statistics including:
+35,000 trips successfully operated between November 2008 – April 2013
95% connecting V/Line services incorporated into ‘through-running’ services delivering high level of passenger satisfaction throughout closure period
+4 year continuous closure
Provision of Rail Replacement Coach Services for LXRA East – V/Line Corporation
In 2016, WCLMS was awarded the four-year contract to provide a turn-key management and operational solution for the provision of rail replacement coach services for the V/Line Eastern corridor, operating between Melbourne & Bairnsdale. These services require the provision of coach services for full and partial line occupations and the scope and size of this engagement has continuously increased in size and complexity throughout the contract period, with key statistics including:​​
+50,000 trips successfully operated since August 2016
Line occupations ranging from single day – 46 continuous days – a total of 330 days of services
Peak vehicle requirements +120 vehicles
Based on a live running cost model, WCLMS has successfully worked in partnership with V/Line to develop and deliver coach plans with efficiency rates in excess of 80% throughout partial and full line occupations. The Eastern corridor has also been utilised for the introduction of the Rail LinQ V/Line Driver App which continues to deliver real-time GPS tracking and reporting throughout the replacement fleet.​
Provision of Rail Replacement Coach Services – V/Line Corporation
Throughout March – May 2020, Rail LinQ was engaged by V/Line to provide a turn-key management and operational solution for a multi-line closure across five separate transport corridors throughout metropolitan & regional Victoria. This significant ground transport operation saw line occupations operating between major transport centres including:
Melbourne – Geelong – Warrnambool
Melbourne – Ballarat
Melbourne – Bendigo
Melbourne – Traralgon - Bairnsdale
These services required all aspects of rail replacement operations including service planning, scheduling, management of coach services, provision of on-ground customer service staff and establishment of a bespoke transport operations centre. Due to changes in the operating environment, surges in capacity and the on-set of the first Covid-19 phase, these occupations and the scope and size of this engagement continuously increased in size and complexity throughout the contract period. Key statistics summarizing the operation include:
+100,000 trips successfully operated
Line occupations ranging from single day – 48 continuous days
Peak vehicle requirements +260 vehicles